Thursday, March 14, 2013

Birth wishes and birth cards...

Dear visitor,

It has been a while since I posted my last message... Do not worry, I am back now!
This message will be all about choosing the perfect birth wishes and also choosing the perfect birth cards.
If you don't like it to choose between the standard birth wishes and birth cards, then I got some good news for you...
Why wouldn't you create your own? I think that it is always better to have something unique then something standard. But, you have to choose for yourself. I just want to share my thoughts with you all.

If you want to use the most perfect birth wish, then you can take a look on this website to find it. Or, you can take a pen and paper and start to write it down. You can find the perfect inspiration on this website and create your own unique one.
Just think about what makes it so special to give birth to a child, or what makes your relationship so special, etc. Then you just need to write it down what comes in your mind, it may be a lot of phrases or words. And when you don't have any inspiration anymore, start to choose between what you written down.
And that is how you make your perfect birth wishes!

If you want to use the most perfect birth cards, then you may never choose between all those birth cards that you can find on the internet or at a store that sells them. No, you need a birth card that will be perfect for you and your newborn child! There are a lot of good (and sometimes cheap) designers all around the World, so why would you not hire one to create that perfect birth card?
For example; If you love nature, let the designer draw a beautiful tree on your birth card. Not just a normal tree, but a tree of life. Or let him draw a tree that links to a family tree...
And that is how you get your perfect birth card!

Thanks a lot for your visit!!!
I hope to see you back soon for more about birth wishes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Birth wishes to remember...

Imagine yourself that you have become a parent...
Before you just call or message everybody that needs to know about it, you need to ask yourself a question...

How will I make the birth of my child a day to be remembered?

Maybe that question will sound a little silly to you, but just think about it...
Becoming a parent is very special, but it has to be more special to your child then it is to you.
I will give you some examples how to make it a special day to remember...

Rent a limousine...

I know that you will not be able to let the limousine drive to all your family members, friends, colleagues, etc.
But, you can let it drive to the most important people for you!
Let it pick up those people, and let them travel to the place that you (or your girlfriend) had child-birth.
It could be at home, at the clinic, etc.
I know for sure that it will be remembered...

Social media

These days a most of the people use social media. So you can also use it to pronounce the birth of your child. I know, not everybody you know will use social media... You can call your family in person, but you can keep your friends in touch with it. If you would call everybody that you want to share the good news with, it will cost you a lot of money... If you would use social media, it is (almost) free! And it gives you the opportunity to already share the first picture of your child...

Just a message...

If you still decide to just send a message to all the people that need to know about the fact that you have become a parent; Make it special!
Don't just send a message like; I have become a father/mother!
Use a special birth wish, just like you find a lot of them on this site...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Birth wishes


First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog that is all about birth wishes.
On the internet you will find a lot of websites with a lot of happy birthday wishes , but not if you look for some good websites about birth wishes...
That is the main reason why I created this website. I hope you will enjoy reading it...

What are "birth wishes" ?

Birth wishes are a kind of way to tell the world that you have become a parent. Or when you want give your wish to a child that has been born.

Birth wishes are used  for two kinds of occasions;
If you become a parent, you will use birth wishes.
If somebody you know becomes a parent, you will also use birth wishes.

Birth wishes from parents

When the parents have waited approximately nine months, their child will be born. When that happens, the father (most of the times) will send a message to all the family and friends to announce the big news!
In that message he will use birth wishes.

For example; "I have become, 
                     the proud father of my son!!!".

Or he will send a message with just a little text in it.

For example; "Our son/daughter is born!!!".

A lot fathers just send a little text message, they keep the birth wishes for the birth announcement...

Birth wishes from family and friends

If somebody you know becomes a parent, you will give (or send) them a card with all your birth wishes in it. In this kind of way you congratulate the parents and you also show your appreciation towards the newborn baby.

For example; "A new baby was born today
                     I just want to say;
                     In my heart you will stay,
                     and never go away..."


I hope you enjoyed reading this text. If you are looking for some more birth wishes or other relative subjects;  check out my other pages.

                                               Thank you for the visit